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Are you ready to skyrocket your career and join our international team? Explore this page to see all current job openings, and don’t hesitate to get in touch in case you have any questions or want your CV to be added to our internal database. Looking forward to meeting you!
Business Analysis, Data Model Tools, Business requirements, User stories, Agile
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Middle+ / Senior
Agile Project Management, P&L Responsibility, Pre-Sale Work, Team Management
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Seems like right now we don’t have an open vacancy that matches your search criteria. However, you can send us your CV via a form below. We will add it to our talent pool and as soon as a new vacancy matches your skills and experience, our recruiter will reach out to you.
Fill in the needed form, attach your resume and send it to us.
Our recruiters will carefully review your career expectations and experience and then will provide feedback on available positions.
The recruiter will contact you and will provide detailed information about the company. You will also select the suitable time and date for your interview.
During the interview (about 30 min), our HR specialist will discuss your expected career goals, experience, and your expectations from the company. We will also check your level of English.
The technical interview (about 1 hour) will be conducted by our team lead. Depending on the position, we may also present a spontaneous challenge to solve.
Upon successful interview completion, you will receive a formal job offer. It will outline the details of the position, including the agreed-upon terms, salary, benefits, and other relevant information.