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Corporate Responsibility

As an international software development company, SoftTeco is committed to Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability. Our sustainability goals, ethical operations, and social initiatives positively impact society, the environment, and the well-being of our employees. We foster trust and transparency with all stakeholders who, together with us, contribute to sustainable future development.

SoftTeco’s Mission

Our mission is to provide businesses with outstanding software development services and foster a culture of professional growth for our employees. 

SoftTeco’s Corporate Responsibility Goals

As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility program, we adhere to ethical standards and respect human beings, society, and the environment. Our employees often become both “drivers” and executors of this program at the same time, which is encouraged by our top management. We cooperate with many charitable organizations and regularly assist them. 

Our Corporate Responsibility program has several goals: 

  • Make decisions based on our values
  • Maintain a commitment to social activity
  • Switch to Corporate Governance
  • Protect the environment and sustainable development
  • Contribute to company’s development and growth
  • Train employees to gain global experience
  • Be a reliable service company for customers, employees, and partners
  • Partner with educational institutions to provide software engineering training

We always refrain from any actions that damage our company’s reputation, employees, customers, partners, and profession. First and foremost, SoftTeco focuses on people.

Company Values at SoftTeco


At SoftTeco, we build a culture of mutual trust and respect together. We build relationships based on honesty, openness, transparency, truth, and respect, so our employees, clients, and partners trust us.



By delivering high-quality technological solutions, SoftTeco contributes to the progress of society, businesses of our partners, and our team. Our competence makes us a reliable partner and allows our employees to reach new heights.



We make informed decisions and take into account the needs of all stakeholders. We support a holistic approach in everything we do. Our management is a tool to achieve goals rather than control them.



We create a friendly environment where our employees feel valued and safe, and where they can gain confidence and unlock their creative and personal potential. We support our employees and their families and help them find opportunities to participate in social projects and charities. SoftTeco is all about people.



We value our extensive team’s involvement, responsibility, commitment, cohesiveness, and initiative in solving any arising problems. We do everything for our team to make our team feel the importance and significance of their work.


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Corporate Responsibility
Corporate Responsibility

Our Policy on Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility

SoftTeco’s Corporate Social Responsibility is our company’s philosophy, based on respect towards people, communities, and the environment.  We consider sustainable development as the core of our business strategy and focus on:

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Human Rights

We respect and support human rights, where everyone has the same rights regardless of nationality, age, or gender. Our company prohibits forced labor, employment discrimination, and other human rights offenses.

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Health and Safety

SoftTeco strives to create a safe and healthy working environment for our employees. We offer our employee first aid in the office, health insurance, and sports expenses coverage. We take immediate action to prevent accidents when our employees report unsafe conditions.

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Environmental Responsibility

We are committed to maintaining an eco-friendly workflow organization, employee health and environmental safety. As part of our company’s life activities, we preserve energy and resources and reduce waste to minimize environmental and human health impacts.

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Corporate Governance and Ethics

For our employees and business partners, we promote a culture of integrity, transparency, and accountability in our business operations. We maintain all stakeholders’ trust and loyalty and strive to eliminate fraud, corruption, and misunderstanding.

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Promoting Sustainability Issues with Partners

We communicate our sustainability policy directly to our business partners and customers to reinforce mutual responsibility. In order to make our business more sustainable, we encourage our vendors and business partners to consider the environmental impact of their (or our) joint activities.

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Sustainability Communication 

We promote our sustainability ideas worldwide in a consistent and open manner. We share our experience and results in our marketing materials, via the corporate website and the Intranet to create a more sustainable organization.

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Sustainability Policy Reviews and Updates

We strive for continuous improvement and thus review our sustainability policy every year. By staying current with industry development standards, we regularly modify our sustainability policy and monitor whether it aligns with our aims and business goals.

The United Nations Global Compact

SoftTeco joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in 2017. It means SoftTeco is committed to the 10 principles of sustainable development in human rights, labor relations, environmental protection, and anti-corruption. It demonstrates our international business reputation and commitment to citizenship.

SoftTeco supports and adheres to the universal principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We respect the principles and rules of other countries, peoples, and religions if they do not contradict the interests of society or harm an individual’s honor and dignity or a company’s reputation.

The ParentSmart
Employers Program

This program aims to provide employees and their children with the best working conditions to balance work and childcare successfully. Tiina Bruno, the author of the program and the founder of the ParentSmart Employers concept, provides training to our employees to guarantee maximal understanding and adaptation of best practices.

SoftTeco aims to ensure that parents spend enough time with their children and actively participate in their lives, while maintaining a sufficient level of activity at work. Our primary goal is to support families and help them maintain a health life-work balance. For this, we offer flexible schedules, remote work options, and pre-scheduled meetings. The creation of comfortable conditions for working parents brings many tangible benefits to employers and the government. It helps us retain employees and reduces labor shortages.

Environment Policy

SoftTeco promotes ecological and environmental protection as the main direction of sustainable business development. Our team values an eco-friendly approach to workflow organization, a careful attitude toward employee health, and a commitment to environmental safety.

We created an internal brand, “SoftTeco Green Office,” in 2017. This project was partnered with environmental experts from the NGO “Center for Environmental Solutions.”

Corporate Responsibility
Corporate Responsibility

“SoftTeco Green Office” Mission

Our mission is to minimize the negative impact of business activities on the environment and human health by conserving resources and reducing waste. It covers many aspects, from a well-organized workplace to the transport used by workers. Participation in “SoftTeco Green Office” activities is voluntary, assuring an environmentally friendly approach.

The 3R Concept


Refuse to use non-ecological technologies and goods, such as disposable plastic utensils


Reduce and decrease the resources used, such as electricity


Reuse of certain resources, e.g. using reusable utensils

In our daily workflows, we follow our own “SoftTeco Green Office” principles:

Save electricity and heat 

Save water

Separate waste collection

Sale old furniture and equipment

Eco friendly transport

Eco friendly cleaning & personal care products

Buy locally produced food and beverages

We take part in the volunteer project “Give books a second life.” For this purpose, we collect paper waste for recycling at a special place and hand books to social institutions. SoftTeco employees organized BookCrossing under the motto “Read an interesting book and share it with a friend.” 

Also, we regularly sell office furniture and equipment. By reusing these items, we do not turn them into garbage but instead provide them with a second life, thereby saving resources.

Our Quality and Security Management

Quality Management Standard – ISO 9001

The ISO 9001 certification demonstrates SoftTeco’s commitment to delivering high-quality products and services to its customers and business partners. It is based on quality management principles, such as a strong customer focus, the involvement of top management, and continuous improvement processes.

The implementation of ISO 9001 improves our organization’s management, product, and service quality, customer satisfaction, and overall operation efficiency. We establish long-term relationships with our stakeholders by establishing a corporate responsibility and sustainability culture.

ISO 9001:2015

Information Security Standard – ISO 27001

The ISO 27001 standard from CERT International demonstrates SoftTeco’s commitment to the data security of our employees, customers, and partners. By adopting robust information security practices, we safeguard sensitive information and privacy, manage risks, and comply with relevant data protection laws and regulations. 

The implementation of ISO 27001 enables us to build trust and confidence among all stakeholders by fostering a sustainable and socially responsible business environment.


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