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A personal assistant in finding nearby restaurants with discounts


Web, Mobile






  • Integrated map with advanced filtering
  • Secure protection of the MomenZ card
  • Smart recommendations based on the users’ past visits
  • Configurable push notifications


Many eateries in Europe experience downtime at certain hours. Our client decided to resolve this issue and help the restaurants generate more profit by connecting the restaurants that are in an idle state with the customers who are ready to visit them for a discount.

The main idea was to create a physical card that would grant customers access to available discounts across different establishments. In order to get this card and find suitable restaurants nearby, a customer would need to use a website or a mobile application. This is where SoftTeco stepped in and helped the client realize his idea.


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MomenZ is a platform that connects restaurants that offer special discounts with the MomenZ cardholders. A MomenZ card can be purchased either on a website or via a mobile application and is valid for one user and on one mobile device only. In order to prove that he is a MomenZ user, a customer should demonstrate either a physical card or the digital one to an employee in a restaurant.

There are different purchase plans available: one month free trial, monthly subscription (for the annual membership) or a one-time payment for the annual membership. As well, there is an option of gifting a MomenZ card to a person – in this case, the sender can choose a period to pay for a gift card (one month only or annual subscription).

Both the website and the mobile application have an integrated map and an option of advanced filtering to help the customers quickly find a restaurant of choice in the nearby area. As well, the service uses the customers’ history data to automatically provide the most relevant recommendations and display them on a map.

Tech Stack

iOS app




Google Maps

Android app


Retrofit 2

Dagger 2

RxJava 2


Room database

Google Maps


React JS

CSS module






Google Maps

Ant Design






Stripe and DaoPay


Digital Ocean


How it works

SoftTeco developed a platform that consists of two parts: the admin panel and the user interface. The system runs on both desktop and mobile (iOS and Android) platforms.

In the admin panel, the admin can configure discounts, set up push notifications, activate and deactivate users’ cards, publish and edit the information about the restaurants and the users’ reviews. The user panel allows MomenZ users to search the map for the eateries, see available discounts, leave reviews, and purchase a MomenZ card.

One of the interesting features of the platform is its enhanced security and strict validation of the MomenZ cards. The client wanted each card to be valid for one user only, without an option to share it with other customers. To do this, our team implemented a feature of adding one card to one mobile device only. In case the user attempts to log in to his account from the second device, the app will not display their MomenZ digital card while all the other features will still be available.


The system can analyze the users’ past visits and, based on this analysis, provide relevant recommendations and display them on the map. Another great feature that the SoftTeco team implemented is configurable push notifications. For example, if there is a suitable restaurant nearby that corresponds to the user’s interests, the system will notify the user and suggest visiting it. The admin can also configure notifications to be sent at certain hours or on other conditions. To realize this feature, the team used geolocation technology.

Considering that the majority of the application users are based in Europe, we made sure to integrate multiple payment methods that are familiar to the European customers: Visa, Mastercard, SEPA, PayPal, Klarna, Sofort Überweisung. As well, the application supports both German and English languages.


SoftTeco developed a user-friendly platform that connects eateries with the customers in an efficient manner and clear manner. The solution brings benefits both to the customers by allowing them to enjoy the discounts and to the restaurants that start seeing a higher number of customers and hence, bigger revenue.

SoftTeco team was grateful for being able to participate in such a robust and ambitious project and is currently working on the functionality expansion and adaptation of the product for new markets.



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