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Serge Zenevich

Serge Zenevich


Serge Zenevich is a chairman of board of directors at SoftTeco and is responsible for the development strategy of the company. He works closely with all SoftTeco’s departments and oversees the ways they communicate and collaborate between each other. This allows Serge to constantly optimize internal workflows and identify and eliminate any pain points while seizing opportunities for growth and improvement. In 2014, Serge received an MBA degree from the Kozminski University and is constantly expanding his skills and knowledge in the field of leadership.

His hobbies include

Motorcycling, running, DYI.

Fun fact

Serge is a frequent participant of semi-marathons and usually completes the 10.5 km distance.

Favourite Quote

Personal growth happens when one’s goals become bigger.

Serge Zenevich
Serge Zenevich
Serge Zenevich
Serge Zenevich
Serge Zenevich

Board of Directors

Tauras Janickas

Tauras Janickas


Alex Kutsko

Alex Kutsko


Alexey Shevchik

Alexey Shevchik

CTO and Co-founder

Aliaksei Minkevich

Aliaksei Minkevich

Member of Directors Board

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